Monday, December 13, 2010

Sawalikap, Welcome To Thailand, Day 1, Part II

So, where was I?,  Hmm, Oh yah! Great, the plan was delayed for 15 minutes! Haax damn happy! It's not that because I Love Kl, It;s because I had a lil change to spend a lil more time with Bubu. Damn, the only thing that cross my mind was, 'how am I gonna survive without him for a week' :| Suck la! Later, in the plane I spend to sleep alot! Like Reali alot, I am damn freaking tired, hahax, I don't mind being tired at least I get to talk to Bubu for hours befor boarding :| 

I edited :D

One Of  Sky Pix I Took, It's Kinda Nice;]

I did took more sky pix but shyte la camera is at home :|

Nevermind la, let me continue cwita nenek-ku :)

Some Really Interesting Design on The Wall

 Thai Map.
The Counters

 Thousand of foreign people are visiting Thailand,  Just imagine how much a year the country could earn?

 Miss Lalana, Miss Thai, Damn Preety!

 And Our Luggages.

The waiting was kind off long, really long, thank God there's an angel, who took us to another department whereby our checking in went easier. Then that's when we saw Uncle Tony Bang, papa's friend who brought us along. He brought his Gf to be our tour guide. Hahax, nice.

We rented a taxi, uncle Tony was smart he used the back way taxi and it caused 210bath, but pity Dr. he took the front way and his tambang caused 700bath, which makes it look reali expensive :|

Once we arrived at our hotel,The Palazzo hotel, the name 'Land of Smiles' really suits Thailand people as once we arrived at restaurants or  hotels, or streets these people will really smile at you. Amazing!

The hotel really attached my heart :) 

The Sculpture of A Thai boat

Orchid could be find in every part on Thailand, symbol flower i guess.

Coco-cola anyone? :p

In the taxi, I was able to see every part of the city, there are many squatters and if anyone think KL traffic is the worst, try Bangkok's :p Damn for hours man the damn traffic :|

The ham bread we bought 

 Lol, anyone can picnic at the airport

Pink taxis are famous :p

The driver.

The road to hotel was freaking near but due to traffic it took almost an hour == Ass la!

  The gold statue along the road.

This wording could be found in almost every texsi


Once we arrived, we went to Robinson, to eat. We ate at Mk Restaurant, one of the ;leading restaurant. Kind off cun the food :)

it's steamboat and their duck is reali amazing!

Tissue holder and compliment holder. :)

Superb cool they use ipad for taking order.

Semme funni! Takkan, kinda cute when it sounds, 'ladies UNDERWEAR' :p

Bubu :p:p

 Octopus :p

 Pity Paul The Octopus "p

 Ready made kuah :)

Haizz, the whole day was tiring, so once we walk back to hotel, PAMMMM we sleep :p Nytes!

To Be Continued :)