Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Trip To Thailand Day II

Day II, Ass you! :p Day II didn't turn pout well. Well, we have our breakfast at our hotel, the food was awesomeness! I saw bubur ayam and pork mee sup! Of course I'll go for the soup! :p Then i went and ate omelette with ham and salad! And I went and try the porridge! Was hungry like hell. Yela, semalaman tak makan ><

 Salad's dressing.

 Pork Mee soup :)

I miss eating it! :|

 Butter roll in ice cubes.

Jam-s anyone?

7-eleven is located opp my hotel == :P

After makan, we waited for Dr.Senthil we book a van and we are going to start our journey. We are going to temples. Bakthi terima? :p

Mood memang out la that time. :| 

My luggage.

Hahax don't waste CONDOM :p

The hotel semme teruk, they sell condom for 60 bath! It was in my room :p Strawberry flavour vereh :p

Condom anyone? :p

Later jew la I continue my story, tengah malas :|