Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Ladies In My Life (: |FACEBOOKERS|

The 2010 Ladies |Facebookers| That Colours My Life (:

2011 is approching and awana blog about these wonderful ladies in my life which I meet tru Facebook.

1. My Soul Sister; Dhurga Karthik [:

Smart, Daring, Loving, Care-free (: I love this Lady who is always full of energy! She's always with me and help me alot. She gave me strength and she made me happy by kutuk-ing dat bloody cow JK. Hahax, she's super cute and I love her sweet smile. No wonder Karthik love her! I love her much! (: So freaking much! My blueberry meant everything to me! Thanks sayang for being with me! Deyh, cepat kirim letter! :D

2. Sha J' Roche, The Kuching!

 You won't be expecting a cat don't you? :p this Meow girl is from Kuching! Freaking married to JEGA (: i love them both! Both of them help me to build semangat once (: Sha, my pet sister! lady, I'll be with you forever! This lady is super creative and she has the most cutest face, cheeky and her eyes! Her eyes are so gorgeous (: So freaking big! She owns a very nice heart! And this girl is said to be my TWIN ^^  Love you darling (:

3. The Bising Mak Cik | Eunice & Marlyne|


This two, mak cik! Are blood suckers :p Vamphy! Hawt and beautiful but owns alots of mouth! :D Both syaitan aku cintai so much (: I love their bising-ness! They are super duper cute! =| That Marlyne going for National Service =| FB gonna be lonely! Who cares :p Eunice hidup lagi! Eunice owns the most hensem abang ever! ^^ Andd both of them has sweet voice (: I love eu two!

4. Thara, My Living Barbie

Thara, looks exactly like a Barbie (: Hahx i didn't know she was a mixture :p I love her name, SAYSHA THARA the way I love the owner! She's gila innocent and the pipi so nice to pinch! If we meet, I wanna pinch your pipi (: Her smile damn melting gilerr! She's awesoma and I love her styles. Thara, Juju love eu!

5. Shalu, My Daughter.

Shalu, my baby! Super pretty! Super sweet! And gila poetic (= Her status are like a boom ^^ I love her much! She's damn sweet, cute and lovable! And, my daughter is super creative like her hubby (: Shalu, if we jumpa i wanna belanja you lollypop  sebab eu terlebihg manis (: I love eu now & always (:

6. Shinee, The Smart Pig!

Superb smart! Congrats deyh! (: i love talking to her! I love her alot (: We both love black man ^^ Vassan . Shinee is a giraff la >< She's damn tall! I don't wanna see her >< i tak sanggup see her height & I swear I am gonna buy tons of calcium (: wanna grow taller than you pig ^^ Shineee, I love you the way I love AARYA!

6. My Grandaugther Shavy & Mira

Cucu-ku yang terlebih comel& preety (: Both of them are lady killers! Super preety (: I love their smile! Its gorgeous. Both makan banyak sugar ^^ Super sweet (: I am a proud granny who love them ^^

7. My Sheep, Jenn

I tell you, she has too many mouths :p i love her! i love her! and my kerbau! (: She so chomel and i love her styles (: her pose, her evrything ^^ My new BFF for 2011 (: I love her! Hahax, i love fighting with this isiot's soul (: I love her heart her everything la :D jenn, single? alamk, taken by sha ^^ tout wanna be lesbo with you :p

8. Dee (:

Tamilachi who loves Prem alot (: ini wanita banyak comel! Her voice OMG so comel! serious comel. Like baby talking only (: Her smile damn seducing (: And I love her alot!

9. Yamumu Kutty (:

My Yamumu Kutty (: Her lashes is amazing. Super emo girl ^^ She banyak lupa me tapi I banyak love her! She banyak baek and kurang sombong then her daddy dat Kishen ^^

10. Lady Killer,

Hawt, preety, cute, gorgeous, sweet& etc (: Lady killer! I love her much! She's my thenghachi who is the bear-bear (: Nisha, has got a style and cool-ness in her (: Budak kecik tapi awesome (:

11. Dania, My Shasha (:

My jaan (: I love her alot! She and me banyak persamaan (: I know she love me much :D She tak sombong and love to spam my wall ^^ She's my jaan! Pig awana meet you cepat2 (:

12. Umha (:

Darling who owns 3 super handsome brothers ^^ Sayang, I know i crap alot & I pun dunno what I crap tapi I gila love you (: Sorry ^^

13 Baarathi ^^

Perempuan ini nenek aku! She and my tat are lovers! Both of them will get marry! IN MY DREAMS! >< Penat jew I jadi broker try to satukan these two old people tapi both malu malu babi :p Both tak nak terima love story yang I directed for them! Teruk la! Buang my vetti masa oni :p They suppose to marry and mintak my restu on their wedding, tapi agaknya story line will go different coz both also degil gila bab i :p I love eu still :D

14. My Anushka

Sashni, My Anushka (: She looks a lil like Anushka! Gila la! She banyak comel! And I love her! (: This lady will be model la soon ^^ Rupa pun macam Anushka! Thanks sweety for being sweet (:

15. The Innocent Baby
Sayang, even the rose loose to ur cute-ness (: Super innocent girl (: I love her alot. budak baek, tak macam Ranju syaitan ^^

Ladies, I know I crap banyak & Hahax, I malas wanna tulis panjang2. Tapi honestly I love eu guys alot! You brighten my Fb wall (: Love for ever (:

p/s: Never be lazy like me ^^