Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Home Alone (:

I am alone at home. (: After school, rush back home. I was thinking what is Arvind doing. He makan dy tak? I bet that idiot is playing laptop and haven't eat. And I was right. So, after that I take bath, and quickly get on the motor with Arvind to grab lunch. haizz, I bought wantan mee for him. mine he ate too. Serious pig. then I bought ice-cream. Around 5pm I must buy ice-kacang for him. (: Promised him. Then Cookie sms-ed me. haizz I knew it was him. the pattern of sms (: Now that boi is sleeping on the floor. Maybe he is tired, we swept and mop the whole house. Do the dishes. Bath the rabbits. Change it's food and etc. 

Worst day in life

I hate today. Guess why, urrrghhh! school, one thing. My handphone memory got burned! hate it! It's terrible. I am so frustrated. hate it seriously. All my pictures are gone. i am reallly disappointed.

I have many pictures. All my kenangan(s). Menyesal pulak I didn't save any in my pandrive or laptop. How dumb! How awful.