Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Home Alone (:

I am alone at home. (: After school, rush back home. I was thinking what is Arvind doing. He makan dy tak? I bet that idiot is playing laptop and haven't eat. And I was right. So, after that I take bath, and quickly get on the motor with Arvind to grab lunch. haizz, I bought wantan mee for him. mine he ate too. Serious pig. then I bought ice-cream. Around 5pm I must buy ice-kacang for him. (: Promised him. Then Cookie sms-ed me. haizz I knew it was him. the pattern of sms (: Now that boi is sleeping on the floor. Maybe he is tired, we swept and mop the whole house. Do the dishes. Bath the rabbits. Change it's food and etc.