Thursday, April 26, 2012


What the hell. Blogs change! Shit. GAHHH. HAHA, silly me. I should start the day with a smile :) Well, well, well. Did you ever thought that 'God I am thankful i am still alive today?'. HAHA I know it sounds stupid but  Hye life is all about thanking all those good things that are happening!
Look at this lips :D So beautiful soon gonna be ugly :p HAHA smoke more lady! Get ur lips fugly & den regret for being stupid! :p
Today another day am going out to see him <3 I really miss him to the core :D
We do fight alot but then again we will be back together :) That's love. See I can't go on a day without him. Not to  say I am obsessed but god damn it, I am madly in love with him :)
All those crazy thing he did. HAHA, how he knelt down & propose & our candle light dinner. it's really sweet & romantic ;)
Gahhh got to go :) Wana date :D