Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sharon Ann Michael I Love You!

Sharon Ann Michael I Love You!

Sharon how did we know each other uh? I trying cracking my head but can remeba! Anyhow, knowing is awesome! :] I love eu alot! You are like the best!

I enjoy talking to eu! Seriously I don't get bored! :) Each I wanna hung up the phone I fwell SAD :|

You are kinda funni! And Oh; I love ur voice! :) Hahax! Tapi kan eu damn tall la! >< I so short! What ur mummy feed eu la?! >< Eu betta grow short uh?! :)

Grow short! Then Ranju will love eu more! :p Eu wait la Tally; i will  go and buy banyak calcium today! Then see who taller :p

eyh Sharon! i love eu alot! Eu my katechi! :p Ranju will alwix be with eu :] 

Deyh; piggo! I wanna spam ur house with letters :p

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