Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me (:

Hahax, semme funny my FB today (: I simply put my bufday as 31st dec. For fun and now I changed it to 2nd Jan. Pity Fb, I hentam eu like mad! memang fail Maths Fb (: Aww, look at the amount of love & care I got from Fb ^^ So awesome kan? :p

Ranju VinVin
Has worked at MyselfBorn on January 2, 1994Went to SMK ConventAdd your current cityAdd your hometownEdit Profile
Awww (: I am melted and Fb peeps are super sweet (: Where did I fopun foun eu baby's dat are so sweet (: Shalu,, status so heart melting ^^
Hahax, my ori bufday is 9th December (: Dhurga, my baby wised first and sial sweet la she and her status (: She's my best sis ! And jenn, stop cursing me by blessing me :P
Love Facebookers alot ^^

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