Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sawalikap, Welcome To Thailand, Day 1

Sawalikap. 1 week I was in Thailand, and parapapa, I am loving it :p I do hate some stuff bout Thailand but yet it's fun! Day 1, from Johore we rent a van to KLIA. 3 hours of drive was filled with photography section :p 

 Hahax, I memang photogenic! The road to KLIA was penat-ing! Hahax, I slept for only 2 hours. I was talking to Bubu the whole night :p Hahax I missed him alot :p

To let me stay awake, I had some Mountain Dew. :D So, Aren;t Goin To Do The Dew? :p

Dew anyone? :D

Around 1pm we reach KLIA. Hahax, 2pm is my flight! Haix, no time for shopping but plkentyof time for PHOTO ;p I took thousands of pix and my Mama scolded me. She says, ' As if this is the first time you are going on a flight' :p Hahax :p

I took lots of pix of KLIA. It's awesome! Waiting for our flight was boring. So I spend my time talking to Bubu. I went shopping around and I saw many hawt underwears on display :p

Hp safety ::p


Mine the red! >< 

The photos are randoms :p

And I tried flushing using my feet :p

Purple Toilet :p

Thank God This Sign Is Big, Or Else I Will End Up In Man's :p

I Bought Galaxie! :p

And I Took This Pix Using My Hp :p

Hahax In Toilet :p

 Our Place

I Have No Idea What It Is :p

To Be Continued...

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