Monday, February 7, 2011

(: Love!

Seriously! I am depress! I been going around the school telling people 'I want to stop schooling and get married'/ My bottle became my baby today! Seriously am so sick of books! *Yuck* And Moral class was always a class of laughter though jokes weren't told! Those jokes are between me and jasween! Hahahx! 

at 12.55 am in the morning, I call almost 10 people telling a stupid joke which I THINK WAS FUNNY! Nobody laugh =| Except August! I like him now! :D At school, I met zana! I always seem to forgot her bottle! the truth is I LOST HER BOTTLE! =.=! Dahla blog pasal sekolah not fun! Depression only!

Let's Blog about my MIMO (:

Mimo, my black and white rabbit (: Mimo flew all the way from New Zealand and landed on my house! :D Whoots!

Pratically, Mimo is a sick ass! He loves to URINE ON ME! or MY BED! Seriously, he gets me really annoyed! My bloody smart brother when and hair-dried it yesterday after we bath him! -.- Mimo got stressed up and lay down like a dead frog! =.= Stupid donkey! I slap him then he knows! mimo breath was like really slow. I thought he was gonna die soon! I almost cried! Thank god, Dr.Shan saved him! Stupid THENESH!

Then we bought Mimo a new friend, GF actually! Tetapi, that MIMI turn out to be a MALE! I can't pratically make Mimo a GAY rabbit! ><!

Mimoand Mimi- THE GAYS!

When Mimo gets into the car, he loves to cuddle into the bottle compartment!

Mimo loves to eat on two feets (:

Bam-Bam, The English Angora (: I freaking love it! I am gonna name it Bam-Bam once I forcemy dad to buy him! I just love the GREY (:

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