I have entered the wrong stream! Stupid me! Seriously I shouldn't have signed up for SCIENCE Stream! Yuck, I hate science completely! I should have take up ARTS! At least I could get the hell of Science subjects out of my mind! And guess what, IT'S ALREADY TOO LATE TO TURN BACK! SHYTE! My school itself is a headache! Straight A's masuk SCIENCE! =.= WTH! I seriously hate to see my subjects! SPM- GOVINDAA! (: So, this lil smart ass (ME) registered for 10 FREAKING subject for SPM!
1. Bahasa Melayu
2. English
3. Sejarah
4. Moral (=.=)
5. Mathematics
10.Literature In English (: - Hell fun!
Well, so whats the damn reason behind my hatred towards those 4 bold subjects?
Gaps! That nerd is so not me! =.=! And books doesn't makes me HORNY but YUCKIEE!
The main reason why I freaking hate BIOLOGY is because BIOLOGY IS SO SUICIDOLOGY!
Hello, I have no interest at all of becoming a DOCTOR! Once I dream of being a PSYCHIATRIC but I change my mind after hearing the word BIOLOGY! Seriously, is it that important to learn Bio? I mean, it is important, but it doesn't really make people thinks! It's just a thick book with facts and facts and as I memorize these craps after SPM you can call me a ROBOT!
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall,
Whose The Baddest Of The All,
I hate Physics! The subject is interesting but seriously the only factor I hate it because... Wanna know why? ASK ME!
If there's one interesting subject that I found nice is Chemistry! It's really a interesting subject! but the reason I hate it is because my teacher always gives me a low mark for essay! She says I don't follow schema! =.= And seriously the my Chemistry teacher itself teaches the subject in a interesting way; so I think I am gonna love it! (:

Hahahx, seriously, if you have a look at the animation, I am the student! I really love doing add maths but seriously my marks will be fantastic as I grew older day by day! I find it enjoyable but the feat is that during exams;
So that is me! I am like a donkey put among the peacocks! Seriously I go nuts! And I'll be saying 'It's ok arh!' You know why I feel that way? because I didn't do it at all! :D
The only reason I love this subject is because, it is THE ONLY subject that makes you THINK, RATIONALIZE. Just for an info, this Literature I am talking about is not those stupid storybook like THE CURSE or RUMPELSTILTSKIN or THE POTATO PEOPLE that everyone learns. Those books are nonsense! Seriously! This subject I am talking about is Julius Caesar, Fahrenheit 451, The Lion And The Jewel, Naukar and etc.
I love Literature (: I have that interest in this kind of subject. I love to persuade in criminal laws. It's interesting and makes you think and solve!
Well,whatever it is,books is still my hubby for now! (: enjoy reading!
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