Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tears that never knew to END

Thanks for everything. You never trust me. You always trust your son. You always blame me, that I will start the fight. So today that beloved son of yours throw Thenesh's Blackberry on the floor and the mercury in it leaked. You blame me. You never trust me just because that son of yours say I threw it. Fine. For hours I cried, you kept scolding me . 4pm, Music class, I didn't want to talk to you, or I don't need you to send me for the class. I took the bike, 5pm class end. I came home, 6.45pm, I was at  park. You never call. When I am back, Arvind came and ask me 'Akka, where you go? I was worried. Have this sweet'. You? You never knew right wheter I am home or not? Good.

I am just so sick living in here. Nobody cares. You ask me right once, why am I so quiet at house? I have nobody at home. I am lonely. I only have my books and handphone, that too you took away my handphone. I feel happy at school. I have peopl there. great people. There are always with me. You never. You only care when I get into trouble.

I don't know what to say anymore. I am never gonna talk to you anymore.