Saturday, February 5, 2011

When Boredom Strikes!

Blogging all the way from a party! Seriously, am dead bored over here and yeah! Laptop always come in handy! Wow, poor hawt mama yosika! Smashed her face with chocolate cake! Now that's bad! :D And now Jasween is telling a story! Let me type out! :p Arab people are rich! And there way their clothes like some Halloween costumes! Hahahx that's cute! And Taiyeba was giving her own philosophy about their clothings! :p LolxD! Jas was buying some perfume, and she saw a girl who was desperate for some branded perfume. And she saw a cute guy, so cute with name sha...! Gaps! Ah, asal I kepoh? :p Hahahx, whatever it is! We are stuck in Tingting's room! (: Chilling cold! :D And to Arvind, I miss eu!

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