Thursday, March 17, 2011

Who says (:

Everybody is perfect.Why wanna be somebody else when you are amazing just the way you are? You are special. You are beautiful in your own way. I love myselfmore than anything else. I'm just me. I have my own style, my own way. I hate people telling what to do and I HATE ADVICES. Yuck! 

I wouldn’t want to be anybody else.
Na na na
Na na na

I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me

Na na na
Na na na

You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life

Who says?
Who says you’re not perfect?
Who says you’re not worth it?
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting?
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty?
Who says you’re not beautiful?
Who says?

Catchy & Lovely.Heart Selena. She's alwix my idol. (:

p/s: To my cookie, she's around the corner <3

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Home Alone (:

I am alone at home. (: After school, rush back home. I was thinking what is Arvind doing. He makan dy tak? I bet that idiot is playing laptop and haven't eat. And I was right. So, after that I take bath, and quickly get on the motor with Arvind to grab lunch. haizz, I bought wantan mee for him. mine he ate too. Serious pig. then I bought ice-cream. Around 5pm I must buy ice-kacang for him. (: Promised him. Then Cookie sms-ed me. haizz I knew it was him. the pattern of sms (: Now that boi is sleeping on the floor. Maybe he is tired, we swept and mop the whole house. Do the dishes. Bath the rabbits. Change it's food and etc. 

Worst day in life

I hate today. Guess why, urrrghhh! school, one thing. My handphone memory got burned! hate it! It's terrible. I am so frustrated. hate it seriously. All my pictures are gone. i am reallly disappointed.

I have many pictures. All my kenangan(s). Menyesal pulak I didn't save any in my pandrive or laptop. How dumb! How awful. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hot Stuff

Aiyyayoa Aiyyayoa Pudichirukku, Yenakkum DINESH Pudichirukku

Dinesh, the first time I saw you was when you were dancing,

Now that we met again yesterday (: The way you walk in with that soldier's trousers and body fit shirt with jacket on, OMG. I almost fainted. Deyh, you so damn tall & FAIR & good looking weyh!, MARRY ME?!

 I know, I know, It's only just a DREAm but marry Me in MY DREAM pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee? (:

Saturday, March 12, 2011

School Holiday are here!

School holiday!! (: Happy Holiday to humans (: So I am planning to cover up all  my homeworkS for two months ago and start doing my moral assignments. haizz,On Thursday I am heading to Singapore or maybe Australia, am not sure. My dad has been busy. So if he couldn't make it, then Singapore will be our choice. hate it. My brothers and were planning to catch the kangaroos and etc.

 Tetapi thanks to my dad busy schedule, we are now not sure. Seriously my mum is annoyed too. haizz. Whatever it is. Gambateh to me! I am planning for a karaoke-ing section and shopping with friends. (: I want to sing my heart out! urrrgh, ignore my horrible voice pls?

 (: I am so going to go crazy over the IU day! I am so going to workk hard. i want to be the best. Heeee. Who wouldn't want to btw? (: 

Currently hearing TO LOVE SOMEBODY by the great BEE-GEES (:

I love Bee-Gees, their songs are so sweet and mind relaxing. hye, if you are thinking I am a lame ass to hear this kind of song, you are the lame idiot (: Why? Old is GOLDEN honey <3

There's a light,
A certain kind of light,
That never shone on me.
I want my life to be,
Lived with you, lived with you.
There's a way everybody says,
To do each and every little thing.
But what does it bring,
If I ain't got you, ain't got,
Faith, babe?

You don't know what it's like.
Baby, you don't know what it's like,
To love somebody.
To love somebody.
The way I love you.

In my brain,
I see your face again.
I know my frame of mind.
You ain't got to be so blind,
And I'm blind, so, so, so blind.
I'm a man, can't you see what I am?
I live and I breathe for you.
But what good does it do,
If I ain't got you, ain't got,
Faith, babe?

You don't know what it's like.
[ Find more Lyrics on ]
Baby, you don't know what it's like,
To love somebody.
To love somebody.
The way I love you.


You don't know what it's like.
Baby, you don't know what it's like,
To love somebody.
To love somebody.
The way I love you.

No, no, no-no, no, no.

You don't know what it's like.
You don't know what it's like.
You don't know what it's like. 

Who owns my heart?

Who owns my heart baby? My heart is so hard that, now I could realise to make it melt back is IMPOSSIBLE. 

Btw, this Miley song could make you jump on your feet. The song is just so beaty that I couldn't stop dancing! Hell yeah! (: 

Click to view full size image

Miley Cyrus Who Owns My Heart

Creation shows me what to do
I'm dancing on the floor with you
and when you touch my hand
I go crazy, yeah!

The music tells me what to feel.
I like you now but is it real
by the time we say goodnight
I don't know if this is right
And I feel you(You)coming through my veins
Am I into you, or is it music to blame?

Who owns my heart?
Is it love or is it art?
'Cause the way you got your body moving's got me confusing
And I can't tell if it's the beat or sparks.

Who owns my heart?
Is it love or is it art?
You know I wanna believe that we're a masterpiece
But sometimes it's hard to tell in the dark
Who owns my heart?

The room is full but all I see is the way
Your eyes just blaze through me
Like fire in the dark, we're like living art

And it hits me like a tidal wave.
Are you feeling me, or is the music to blame?

Who owns my heart?
Is it love or is it art?
'Cause the way you got your body moving got me confusing
And I can't tell if it's the beat or sparks.

Who owns my heart?
Is it love or is it art?
(Y Y)You know I wanna believe that we're a masterpiece
But sometimes it's hard to tell in the dark
Who owns my heart?

So Come On, Baby!
Keep Provoking Me!
Keep On Roping Me!
Like a rodeo!
Baby, hold me close
Come on here we go (x3)

And it hits me,
Like a Tidal wave
Are you feeling me?
Or is the music to blame?

Who owns my heart?
Is it love or is it art?
'Cause the way you got your body movin' got me confusin'
And I can't tell if it's the beat or sparks

Who owns my heart?
Is it love or is it art?
You know I wanna believe that we're a masterpiece
But sometimes it's hard to tell in the dark,
Who owns my Heart(heart) (Heart)?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy Holiday

So Freedom ain't nothing but missing you? Yuck! That's meant for Lovers :D My freedom, Damn! It's holiday finally! I Love holidays. Who wouldn't anyway? LOL

Exams are over. Today, I got my results.

a) Maths - 95%
b) Sej     - 78%
c) Add Maths - PASS!

I am freaking unhappy over my Sejarah result. I studied like mad and thanks to the damn, DAMN, pengajaran question, I lost MARKS! 8 MARKS gone. What the hell!

So this is LIFE symbol. Life is a God damn it! i forgot this roda name =.=! Errrm, whatever it is. This this goes round and round. So to those out there, your achievement, your A's won;t stay long. Don't be surprise if the person you always LOOK DOWN UPON or perhaps didn't EXIST in your eyes succeed don't be arrogant go on and congrats her. Don't  have to open your eyes so BIG like a FISH-BALL honey (: LOL

So, Honeybee! We convent girls are honey bee maniacs!.

We do good and we will be rewarded with HONEY's (: Yummy!

CZECH REPUBLIC. Hell we have only 2 weeks more to go. Interactors gambateh! Explainers, I get everything ready! I want quality. I want no.1 I want haiyaa, must work hard :(

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I am sorry, I wrote it in my blog. I'm sorry. My blog is the only place I express my heart out. I am sorry. I have nobody to hear my stories. I don't wish to see the world any more.

I am sorry people. I didn't mean to be sombong. I didn't mean any thing. I am broken. I am sorry if I hurt everyone. I will just walk out of everyone's life. tc . Bye

Nothing Last Forever, I'm Sorry I can't be Perfect.

So, I am gonna tell you what I wrote in my diary. What I felt. So, you wanna know my answer?How am I suppose to answer to that question? How? It's like you are trading your heart. I have no idea what should my answer be. I know you're fed-up with me. It's ok, It's alright. You said you understand my feelings? How well do you understand me?You never know how much I miss you. You never did. You're busy? I'm busy too, with schools, tuitions, sports, music and etc. You're studying? I am too. It's okay you text me at 10.30pm or what, but can't you ever inform me that you're busy? Is that a big request? Is that so hard? You always make me wait, wait and wait like an  idiot.  I wouldn't mind if you are busy but you never inform me. You always ask, why do I off my hp? I don't want false hope. Each time, my hp beeps I always hope it was you, but it wasn't. It was paalhan, daddy, vish or some other people. The only reason I reply Paalhan msgs is because he is the only person I could share my probs with. If I was to ever tell you, you'll be sleepy already. So I share everything with Paalhan. From, my school, to teachers, to friends, to enemies even about my family all I tell to him. Sometimes I wish it was you who cheer me up.But it was Paalhan. When I talk bout him to you, you hate it.  You have many probs?Can't you share it with me?  Perhaps you think I would never understand your problems. I should have open my hand-phone around 3pm. I shouldn't have blog about the Perfect bf if I was to know your msg would be amazing. You know what, Roshy was correct, I will only make you suffer. I'm letting you go. You deserve some other girls. Don't have to feel guilty. It's my fault.  Tc. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

So I'm single.

Maybe, we should end our relationship.Perhaps. Idk.  Ya, I never understand you. I am sorry I hurt you. I am sorry for everything. You deserve a better girl (:

I felt damn guilty reading ur msg. It was my fault. I understand. I never understands you & it's true It was always you who gave in to me.I never learned how to appreciate you. So about the trust, I was feeling sad at that time, and you weren't there. So I'm sorry I say I never trust you. And you are asking for my decision? Idk. Idk. Idk. I seriously don't know. i don't know what should I answer.  Yes or no. If my answer is yes?no? I don't know. It's your decision. Your life. I am speechless.

Anything your answer is, I am okay with it. 

He's my perfect boyfriend

He's perfect just the way he is. he's a great guy. He's a superhuman, he's amazing. He's my perfect boyfriend. (: My love for him is an OVERWHELMING LOVE. *chucks.! Haha. He's super patient and understanding. He's just, I have no words to describe, I mean, he just understands me. I am fussy and too sensitive at times and most of time I flash my anger towards him. But never once he complained.

He's an angel sent from above. I never expected for a perfect boyfriend and now yeah, I own one (: I am never gonna let go of him.

I am sorry for my attitude. Seriously I don't know how the hell you tahan with me. Thanks any way. You always mekes me feel good. Fell happy. fell loved. i am happy that i own you bubu (: