Every morning, my mother will make me eat a fish oil. It's says it could boost my memory. But yet, everday I'll forget something. Now where the hell has my pen-drive gone? I hate the fact that I kept losing things for no reason. It's annoying.

Where is my fucking mind when I need it? I don’t loose my head because it’s attached to my neck. What am I going to be like when I’m old? Am I just going to forget breathing one day? I know, I know, I’m exaggerating… Could it be that I’m a weird case of early Alzheimer? Whatever, the thing is that I keep forgetting important things with significant consequences. And it doesn’t seem to get any better. I mean, my long term memory its damn good but, my short term memory really sucks! I need brain vitamins or something.
This what runs into my mind everyday. Now, where the hell is that damn p pendrive? ==