Saturday, April 30, 2011

Royal Wedding

The Royal wedding (:

29th April is the day that marked Kate Middleton as Princess :D It's a worth waiting wedding for me. Haha, I was so eager to catch a glimpse of her dress. Haha, I was so eager. and then finally she came out of the car(:

My gosh! her dress is so elegant & gorgeous. It's satin & silk dress by Sarah Burton & Mcqueen! I just love Mcqueen's design! (:

The ceremony was honestly, haha, boring. but it was beautiful. Haha, I love the part when they were on the balcony & THE ROYAL KISS.

the newly wed were given the title the Duke& Duchess of Cambridge(: The two look so matching together & It is a fairytale wedding (:

How i wish Diana was there (: