Monday, May 2, 2011

Say Hello to Goodbye

Say hello to Goodbye(:

Hye, they says dreams are impossible to achieve. is that true?

Dreams are impossible to reach if you didn't work for it. That's what I say.

I have many dreams line up in me.

Oh, how I wish I could meet Bruno Mars. <3

Oh, I dearly miss Ne-Yo

I really love his So Sick song. It cries my heart out.

Cause I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing she was still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
(why can't I turn off the radio?)

I know I was a mean person for letting my best friend away. Haha, she does't need me after all.

I still love Bruno Mars <3

this jar contains my pieces of heart that I dream will gloom always in the dark

I promised I will help the needies once. And I am still keeping it.

I want to help homeless kids (:

This is me. I support the gays & lesbian. This is your life. Life your life to the fullest. Nobody could stop you. You were born this way.

I salute this boy for his creativity. I am happy with my simple life.

Sometimes we are just so poor when we have nobody.

Have a look at this picture. What cross your mind? Does it makes a difference when you go on street and give them some coins?

You know what cross my mind when I sees this? animal abusing. Honestly, I feel humans are very mean. Imagine you were the monkey?

Does brands really matters?

I like this alot (: Think about these line,

We can't fees the poor, but we can fund WAR?

It's freaking true. Why not use the money help the poor & make peace?

It does't harm anyone. Trust me. (: