Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mazhai Varum

Yeap, It's raining from the bottom of my heart :")

It's been months since I am living without a handphone, so I suddenly felt I want to have a samsung Galaxy S II, I knew my parents wouldn't let me own one and that thought didn't bother me much, what hurts more is when my mum says 'you shud use a second hand-phone since I always spoil my handphone' I was like FUCK MAN. Fine, I told my dad, bout my friend having the same handphone, he pissed me off by telling, 'she can score straight a and she work" Okay, fine, i may not score an a for my chemistry and add maths, okay, i may not be working. Fine. his own brother never work he still feeds him by giving money. how nice I thought :) Nice one. It spoilt my mood. Oh ya, btw, my mum is the one who uses the hand phone more to GOSSIP :) And oh ya, she is a stalker :)