Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Oh SHIT I FAILED my JPJ, Epic I thought, Haha, I never expect to be given a BIG HIT, yeah I am the loser, i drop from tit * yeah it"s time to get up again just like what baby said :) Oh, it feels good to have some support, really <3 It's a beautiful feeling, knewing you failed and there's just someone there to give you keep moving & aloha! Today I went tru titi 5 times & I DID it :)

Yeah, life has to go on, it's a roller coaster, enjoy it & you will find fun! Aaah, next Tuesday i will sit for JPJ again as a FAILURE, but hey, Failure is the First Step to SUCCESS , I know I can do it :)

I love you JPJ :D I admit giving rasuah, but arrrghh, I wun do again! learnt my lesson :P

Monday, December 12, 2011

You are always in my heart, here and everywhere, There is no one in the whole world that makes me feel this way

I keep thinking of how much I love talking to you.. How good you look when you smile. How much I love your laugh.. I mss you alot monkey :) It's dy 2 days I am without you, err and I am losing my minds and thoughts, 5 more days and you will be back to me :) I love you baby :) I want a hug. ♥ I really really love you, you are magical & beautiful & this ain"t a song baby :)

Baby, baby, baby :) Baby, rememba baby say baby want a beach wedding? I wanted a garden wedding? Heee, I dun mind anywhere baby as long with you ♥

I love it when you made my birthday so special baby ♥, I love it when, you proposed me, and how we say i do and exchange vows? Heee, that's so sweet of you baby, and you count 1,2,3 and we kiss tru the phone, that"s was romantic baby ♥

Baby, my aspartame, deyhh, I love you daa, I never felt so happy, muaxx :)

Friday, December 9, 2011


-iloveyoumorethananythingelse :)

Pffft, just came back from holiday! Gosh, I am all tired up! DAMN -____ - And FACEBOOK, is getting annoying! Why change the setting? Pffftt. And FB was full of birthday wishes :) Yeah, Thanks. And and I love today"s birthday. Was with him :)Itu lelaki banyak comel & gua chinta diaa :) Hmmm, Plkn coming. WTH. -.- TMR I got motor lesson -.- A WTF -.- Haha.