Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Oh SHIT I FAILED my JPJ, Epic I thought, Haha, I never expect to be given a BIG HIT, yeah I am the loser, i drop from tit * yeah it"s time to get up again just like what baby said :) Oh, it feels good to have some support, really <3 It's a beautiful feeling, knewing you failed and there's just someone there to give you keep moving & aloha! Today I went tru titi 5 times & I DID it :)

Yeah, life has to go on, it's a roller coaster, enjoy it & you will find fun! Aaah, next Tuesday i will sit for JPJ again as a FAILURE, but hey, Failure is the First Step to SUCCESS , I know I can do it :)

I love you JPJ :D I admit giving rasuah, but arrrghh, I wun do again! learnt my lesson :P