Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Oh yes I can

  Oh yes I can. :) A simply motto yet it comes with a strong meaning & impact of course. Yes, back then I was always emo & emo & emo. Oh crap, but come to think about it, all those tears I wasted, all those hours & tissues I wasted, Oh God, the tissue company did earn much from me, and poor trees got cut to manufacture more & more tissues. Ah crap.

    Yes there was time I was really down & all. I kept complaining & cry & cry & cry. But there's this two girl, one who have never met me & the other my BEST BUDDY, all their talks & motivation brought me up again :D I am standing tall now thanks to the duo.

My pretty best friend :) I love her endlessly.

Through this whole breaking down experience I learnt a lot, how to forgive & forget. I never knew Forgiving & Forgetting is just the best remedy. I did able to move on & LOL more than usual. Making new friends losing shittys and ll. But what matter most is I am happy & so are they. 

It's really tough when you'd a bunch of backstabbing friends, but it's really nice to know I found who are my true friends. :) It may be a small group but when I need them they are going to be right there for me.

In fact, I became even closer to my family members :) Things which I have never done. I am getting closer to him too, I guess. :) And all this little things makes me more than happy & most of all, I stop blaming God but start thanking God. :)

I wasn't really a holy girl & all but today I am an ardent believer of God & everyday I thank Him for every moment of my life :) 

To all those heart broken, :) you never should give up :) Yes being strong is tough but if you'd not give a try, you wouldn't know how the future is :) Adios.