Tuesday, April 30, 2013

An unexpected journey of life :)

  No, no I am not old enough to talk about life, but young enough to tell what I have gone through & how positively I made those bitter days into a beginning of my whole new life :) This is the ugly truth that most of us may have gone through or maybe not?

  'Keep the school torch burning, Through the days of learning, One in spirit One in heart in the CONVENT school'. Every day of my whole 11 years in Convent Muar, I sang my school song every Monday. Convent, Muar have been my Alma matter, my second home :) Dad use to bring me there since I was a little girl & till yesterday I last step into my school compound.

   There was just a flash of memories. It wasn't a good one, but the other way round. Yes I remember creating havoc, fun days with my 4 best friends :) Being famous among the teachers & workers as anak 'Cikgu Anba'. Nah, that really didn't really make me proud although it was a supreme feeling knowing your dad had done much to the school & everyone knows him as the Best Teacher or a teacher who had touch many life :) It was pressuring because I have to bring my father's name, so there I was as innocent as a lamb. Trying very hard to score so well in exam just because I am 'Mr.Anba's daugter' :) It was a tough job but it did brought me up into an unexpected journey of school life :)

   I was just 'a good' girl to every teacher until I entered Interact during 2010. :) No, no, I never had any discipline problem or got any demerit. Well, racism overrules here. Racism doesn't only mean as in race but as in student's mentality too. I guess this is a normal trend in every school. Like it or not, this is the real life of school.

   Back to my story, my Koko teacher was fine with me till I got involved in Installation Day. Well she do hate Interactors especially those who are so into the club, like me. You see, I was the secretory for the Installation day. So it was my job to get the principle to approve our activity. So instead of going through the Koko teacher, I went and convince the principle to allow us to have the installation. Well I don't think is wrong :) It was the right thing. My Koko teacher of course was angry because she couldn't stop us from carrying out the Installation.

    So, the whole racism battle begins here. I was elected as the President of Interact Club of Convent, Muar. But of course the teacher didn't like it because she hated me. To be honest, most school teacher don't pick student out of their ability but FAVORITISM. So she instructed my seniors & my club teacher to give me the lowest position in the club and put two of her followers as the president & vice. But somehow rather our seniors went against her & fought for me and I ended up being the Vice :)

   After all that teachers begin to make up stories about me. That's when my dad went & question every single teacher. And guess what? they blame each other :) Dramatic I guess? I was elected as temporary Assistant Head Prefect 2 and then 1 and for 4 months. But some teachers never liked me, so this is what she did, talk about me in the meeting saying 'I can't' and they place me to be a dumb Exco Sebaran Am.

   I told the teacher I want to resign & the convince me telling that the post I was given as was a very important job in the whole prefect-orial board as I am the one who will collect money and type all sorts of letters. Well, I wasn't dumb of course. I told her back this 'If I was suppose to collect money & write official letters, then what is the point of having a Treasurer or a Secretory? I know my job is only to buy cake every month & I guess you should bubarkan this post' & of course my teacher never manage to answer me back and to my surprise the post 'Exco Sebaran Am' was demolished right after I left school. LOL.

   So life goes on, I never bertugas, well it didn't matter. Why should I be the donkey. Life goes on, nobody ever scolded me for being a lazy prefect. When I did so hard what did I get in return? A cake buyer? So I bought secret recipe once a while just to poke my teacher. It was bad of course but well, we payed RM10 for the cake okay?

    In prefect meeting, teachers & other AJK talk bad about me & made up stories about me having 'masalah keluarga'. So, some AJK came and told me because they know I was never at fault. They next day I confront the teacher. AAhhh, the teacher denied and she blame the assistant head prefect who said it. Then my the discipline teacher, a ustazah told me, 'awak dah lama jadi pengawasdan tak pernah ada record buruk kenapa sekarang nak cari masalah?' I laughed and asked her back, 'dari form 1 sampai form 5 saya pengawas. Kenapa sekrang baru nak beri saya masalah'. Guess what, the teacher couldn't answer me back.

   They sabotage me from everything, making my life miserable. I was hated by many teacher for no reason. the teacher who was so good to me never look to me after that. So they made me hated them. I remember going home every night and day crying because I had to go tru all this. Imagine you can't study because of the damage & pressure they gave till this song became my school life lyrics 'WELCOME TO MY LIFE'. It was really depressing, being hated for no reason. Being kicked out of English fest just because you hate me. But it's funny how after every damage these people can still can call me, or my dad for help. -.-

   Being the edge of breaking down brought me down a lot especially in my education. But this did not stop me. Form 6 changed me :) Within 2 weeks of enrolling into High School Muar, I was called to enter Bahas Ala Parlimen  (debate) for state level. Without any much practice and all, I went for the competition, little did I know, we won till the final & the best thing of all this negativity is I was named as the 'BEST DEBATER" for twice in a row :) That day I became an instant star.  An Indian girl who never experienced all this became the best debater. It was really a proud moment especially when the principle came to me and congrats me. At first I didn't want to enter debate but mum & dad told me, 'You should enter & win. Prove to Convent teachers you can be the best' :) & I did.

   Today I won the Public Speaking competition without any practice & mum proudly told Convent principle & English head panel 'Not only my sons are good in public speaking but my daughter was also the champion for her school'. And that did shut their close mentality up.

   Please, you guys are teachers. You shouldn't be racist in every aspect towards a student. Just because one teacher didn't like me, doesn't mean you  guys should indulge yourself into gossips. You may never know how the student would feel unless your kids have to go through all this. Teachers are suppose to help the students & not to be RACIST in every way. You guys are the reason many students are rebellious & hated each other because you taught them what is FAVORITISM, what is the impact of not being in the first class. Please stop all this.