Thursday, December 16, 2010

I Love You Bubu =]

Hai :D Bubu, I love you idiot =/. Happy 31 Days Anniversary J  Semma, 1 month dy :p I got my driving license and you don’t. Pavoh in the bhangala K Cha, I love you semme alot da . And you Idiot =/ always say you love me more. Idiot, ladies first thane? Letmme win la >< Idiot.

I have to admit ah, dulu when you first added me and ask for intro semua, mmg g gila annoying sebab  all the time you will call me “ SOMBONG” =/  Especially when I replied your text after 3 months. Tak pernah you hidup tenang without saying ‘OH RANJU THE SOMBONG GIRL’ Irritating terima idiot? :D Ntahlah, if I malas wanna reply your  last year  text, bet we wouldn’t get along :D Itupunyou still call me SOMBONG. Pandi la nee. Tapi what, at least these annoying things in you that makes me fall for you :D I know masa reading this you gonna hit me back =| Janganlah, naa china pille :D

Told you rite, I not good girl. See, I ruined your Fb dy. Cheh,pochi. J Tak pe la, shama isteri sendiri jew :D  I own you something, that day you asked me rite why I say I am not really a good person?  Naa nalla pille ille. =|| Kena admit, dulu I memang big flirter, I change bf every month, I play those idiotic idiots feelings dulu =/ I never appreciate love before, tapi after knowing Paalhan and you terile’la  I changed. J I actually was single for almost a year, I don’t flirt around and I dun layan crazy guys anymore J I pun hardly talk to guys  ady. Semme setia :p Taiyeba, was shocked terima? She was like, ‘babe, you changed.’ I telling you this because, I know people around me yang tak pernah puas hati with me, will tell you all this. It’s better for me to tell you, after all nenge thane yen husband? :p

And the reason I don’t  wanna  put “in a relationship” is because the jack asses there, some idiots from FB always cari pasal with me=| And dear Idiot, I know you will be reading this post, please la, you can never get me and get a mirror la’ ==  I terlebih musuh la =D Biasa thane? :p nangela yaare? :p

Btw, sayang,  you’re different. I like the way you get jealous. The way you make me jealous. I like the way you get irritated by me  ejek-ing  RENOMA ;p I love the way you puji your pondan voice :p I like the way you kutuk  justin bieber :p I like the way you curse people. And I really love the way you stop me from learning bad words :p It’s fun hacking your profile :D Learn new bad words from your friends :p I love the way you get angry when people buli me.  I love the way ‘you say go la go marry dumbo’ Damn cute terima when you are jealous of Dumbo. I love the way you say ‘boo’ <3 All this small things in you makes me fall for you. J

7 days without you that day, hahax I went gila. Pavoh your athe, all the time I’ll be hearing anjaleh song, and I know you hate it :p Sowie again :p Pity mama, must make sure I tak hayal all the time. Make sure I don’t see public telephone J I mish eu freaking much K Tak pernah pula miss anyone this much :S I started to drink MILO, hate it tapi minum gak :p Naa loose aichi, all because of you :D

I don’t wanna loose you J 1 month, 31 beautiful days J I never knew Love is beautifulJ Inever knew good trustable guys still wujud J I rite essay dy I guess. :D Love story. Touching:p  Hahax, Baby,I am sorry bout that night =| Mengaku, I kadang2 temper tinggi :p  Tapi glad gak I marah with you, ille’na you will THANI :@ Benci tauw, sumore asking for kiss >< Tak adil tauw, stinky mouth :p  Bubu, damn cute la when you ask me to marry prawn and open baby factory with prawn’ :p Eyh, I shuka la when you give kiss :p Tauwla selama ini I say you kiss like pig, naa chumma’tha sonneh :p I like it tauw :p

Bubu, I love you! Pika, you’re my everything :D Ciku, thanks J

Happy Anniversary Bubu J You’re one of a kind, One in a million and the best thing that has ever been mine J

p/s: dun cry, i got no RENOMA to give eu to wipe tears all :p

And our song;-
Cody Simpson, yeah!

Sh-Shawty who dat- who dat you think always missing you
iYiYi cannot get enough of kissing you
I don't cry-yi-yi ok I shed a tear or two
On the gri-iy-ind but girl ain't no forgetting you cuz

Every minute every second every hour of the day
Every hour of the day
Everytime that I'm away
Missing You, Missing You

Every moment that is stolen
it can never be replaced
Even if it's for a day
Imma text you up to say
Missing you, Missing You

Oh baby whenever I'm gone
I'm wishing I was back home
I can feel your heart when we're apart
Girl I'm on my way trust every word I say
I can't wait to see your face
And when I said goodbye
I saw the tears in your eyes as you started to cry
I took your hand and promised I'll be right back
Girl I'm coming right back to see you smile

So girl what I gotta do to make you see
I mean what I say to you
I'll send you a picture let you know I miss ya
Girl send me a kiss I cant wait to see ya

(back to #1 #2)

Remember when we first met I had to tell you that
I couldn't live without your love
Baby I must confess we were the perfect match
You we're a gift sent from above
When you're thinking about me text 1-4-3
Find More lyrics at 
That means I love you girl
I'll be your everything and all you need
Oh baby let your heart take the lead

(back to #3 #1 #2)

Lil mama ain't nobody else I need you girl
iYiYi got intentions just to please you girl
And I try-iy-iy lady that's what you deserve
Superfly-iy-iy you more precious than a pearl
I can't lie-iy-iy pictures in my living room
When I ride-iy-iy dashboard digital
To the sky-iy-iy so thankful that you're in my world
Do or die-iy-iy baby I ain't kidding you

I don't wanna be your distant man
Tellin me I dont do enough for plans
I really cant afford to let it hit the fan
Girl every minute I wanna hold your hand
Ain't no limit to the words I'm saying
I dont wanna rock with a brand new band
Just you lil mama that's grand
I've been all over the land and

(back to #1 #2)

Oh Ohh Oh, Oh yeah ohhh
I'm-I'm-I'm missing you

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