Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Oh SHIT I FAILED my JPJ, Epic I thought, Haha, I never expect to be given a BIG HIT, yeah I am the loser, i drop from tit * yeah it"s time to get up again just like what baby said :) Oh, it feels good to have some support, really <3 It's a beautiful feeling, knewing you failed and there's just someone there to give you keep moving & aloha! Today I went tru titi 5 times & I DID it :)

Yeah, life has to go on, it's a roller coaster, enjoy it & you will find fun! Aaah, next Tuesday i will sit for JPJ again as a FAILURE, but hey, Failure is the First Step to SUCCESS , I know I can do it :)

I love you JPJ :D I admit giving rasuah, but arrrghh, I wun do again! learnt my lesson :P

Monday, December 12, 2011

You are always in my heart, here and everywhere, There is no one in the whole world that makes me feel this way

I keep thinking of how much I love talking to you.. How good you look when you smile. How much I love your laugh.. I mss you alot monkey :) It's dy 2 days I am without you, err and I am losing my minds and thoughts, 5 more days and you will be back to me :) I love you baby :) I want a hug. ♥ I really really love you, you are magical & beautiful & this ain"t a song baby :)

Baby, baby, baby :) Baby, rememba baby say baby want a beach wedding? I wanted a garden wedding? Heee, I dun mind anywhere baby as long with you ♥

I love it when you made my birthday so special baby ♥, I love it when, you proposed me, and how we say i do and exchange vows? Heee, that's so sweet of you baby, and you count 1,2,3 and we kiss tru the phone, that"s was romantic baby ♥

Baby, my aspartame, deyhh, I love you daa, I never felt so happy, muaxx :)

Friday, December 9, 2011


-iloveyoumorethananythingelse :)

Pffft, just came back from holiday! Gosh, I am all tired up! DAMN -____ - And FACEBOOK, is getting annoying! Why change the setting? Pffftt. And FB was full of birthday wishes :) Yeah, Thanks. And and I love today"s birthday. Was with him :)Itu lelaki banyak comel & gua chinta diaa :) Hmmm, Plkn coming. WTH. -.- TMR I got motor lesson -.- A WTF -.- Haha.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Don't make me sorry for trusting you. Don't make me regret letting you in. Don't make me cry for giving you my heart. And well congratz u did it already :)

Don't make me sorry for trusting you. Don't make me regret letting you in. Don't make me cry for giving you my heart.
Oops I forgot you already did it to me :)
Not once, not twice but countless times! Thanks dude! The worst feeling in the world is when you can’t love anyone else, because your heart still belongs to the one who broke it. Roses are red, Violets are blue, I was in heaven the moment I saw you. Correction! Now I AM IN HELL THE MOMENT I SEE YOU :) And you know what, the biggest mistake I have made in my life is letting people stay in my life far longer than they deserve.So ya, thanks again! You ask me how I'm doing, I say fine, but the truth is that I haven't been fine since the moment you cheat me! So ya, I hope you would appreciate what I have go tru for ya! I took a one way ticket to heartbreak city just to tell you "
I love this PAIN"
I'm tired of the fake people, dramas, lies & disappointments in life. I'm tired of losing hope when I gain some. I'm just tired It's just too much ;') She ignores all the other guys who want her, because she's too busy noticing the one she wants.(Thanks Shal for telling me this) :) It's true, Boys will break your heart, Real men will pick up the pieces. And you are a small boy. So ya, it's ok, it's alright :) You saw me. You wanted me. You had me. You forgot me. Thanks again. You know what? My problem is that I can't stay mad.
I always end of forgiving people even if they don't deserve it
. A relationship without trust, is like a phone without service.
.Just like those stupid shooting games. Amazing. My smile might be fake, but my tears are real. Haha. I cried a lot because of you. I laughed a lot because of you. I believed in love because of you.
And now I'm heartbroken because of you.
A heartbreak is just a way of God saving you from the wrong one? I won't mess with your head or play with your heart, because I'm a real girl and I'll finish what I start. 1 universe, 8 planets, 204 countries, 804 islands, 7 seas, 7 billion people and my heart still tells me it's you.
I don't remember hurting you or being mean to you. Then why are you doing all this to me?
I fought with my best friend because of you. Almost lost my friendship because of you. Don't walk into my life, break my heart & just leave it on the floor. At least pick it up, fix it & then walk out of my life forever. That would be much better. Thanks :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Say Hello to Goodbye

I miss him already. Haha, we may have 'broke up' Haha, his break up term is CUTE. We just keep in touch less but after SPM we are back and we will still meet though we broke up. Haha. He is incredible :) I have never gone crazy, partially crazy for a guy. He is sweet, cute and total wild >D Baby I like it! Haha.

Mazhai Varum

Yeap, It's raining from the bottom of my heart :")

It's been months since I am living without a handphone, so I suddenly felt I want to have a samsung Galaxy S II, I knew my parents wouldn't let me own one and that thought didn't bother me much, what hurts more is when my mum says 'you shud use a second hand-phone since I always spoil my handphone' I was like FUCK MAN. Fine, I told my dad, bout my friend having the same handphone, he pissed me off by telling, 'she can score straight a and she work" Okay, fine, i may not score an a for my chemistry and add maths, okay, i may not be working. Fine. his own brother never work he still feeds him by giving money. how nice I thought :) Nice one. It spoilt my mood. Oh ya, btw, my mum is the one who uses the hand phone more to GOSSIP :) And oh ya, she is a stalker :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Exam Stress

So, Sej was hectic. Really,desperate subject. Haha, you are desperate when you read a lil, and you know you want to know more. Albert Einstein was true, when you read something you tend to dunno more. so I am dumb :d Haha, 1 big jug of coffee, made me sick. Went to Doctor and he says, I am too stress and face gastric. Haha what the hell!

Haha, I am broken to know I need to go tru another 2 weeks -.- WTH!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Angels Cry

I shouldn't have walked away
I would've stayed if you said
We could have made everything OK
But we just
Threw the blame back and forth
We treated love like a sport
The final blow hit so low
I'm still on the ground

I couldn't have prepared myself for this fall
Shattered in pieces curled on the floor
Super natural love conquers all
'Member we used to touch the sky

And lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love’s a gift
We let it drift
In a storm
Every night
I feel the angels cry

C'mon babe can our love be revived
Bring it back and we gon' make it right
I'm on the edge just tryin' to survive
As the angels cry

I thought we'd be forever & always
You were serenity,
You took away the bad days
Didnt always treat you right
But it was ok,
I do something stupid

And u still stay with me
But u can only go for so long
Doin the one you claim to love wrong
Before too much is enough
You look up, find your love gone and

We were so good together
How come we could not weather
This storm and just do better
Why did we say good bye
Cause lighting don't strike
The same place twice
When you and i said good bye
I felt the angels cry

True love is a gift
We let it drift
In a storm
Now every night i hear the angels cry
True love is a gift

C'mon babe can our love be revived
Bring it back and we gon' make it right
I'm on the edge just tryin' to survive
As the angels cry
Baby I miss you
Know that i love you

Oh, babe angel's cry

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Beauty (:

Does beauty last like forever? NO

What if, something happens to your pretty face one day? Will people still love youh?

(: Beauty at the heart is more worthy.

Beauty is only skin deep, located in the rib cage- You HEART.

The beauty of heart last a life time.

How true. Haha, they thin they are pretty so they could do anything! You know what I see in them? What a waste, she's so pretty but own such a ugly heart.

Some of these pretty girls are cubic. How I hate them! Gossip Ass Girls.

what the hell has rebecca blcak done to the world? her voice is squeky? Dats all? At least she can sing- Can you? Lifeless man you people.

bruno Mars Is ugly?- Nah, he is cute & he is a true guy <3 Why thehell people say Justin Bieber is a gay? jealousy rate fucking high! justin Beieber is perfect!

mean people, get some life!

Being beautiful is only when you are beautiful at heart (:

I'm No Beauty Queen, i'm Just Beautiful Me (:

Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm Sorry

I'm Freaking sorry but I have to be honest now!

This were us! ONCE.I know I was Patrick. I remember how I used to act stupid in front of you all the time. Trying to make you happy! I don't care what people wanna say about me. I am STUPID, FOOl, LESBIAN- Say la, they are not shaping my life! Tapi, haha (:

Sorry, Hun. But I prefer to be honest (: Yaa, maybe you have heard many stories from those people you called 'FRIENDS' & maybe soemthing I did say something when you made me really angry but I DON'T MAKE UP MY OWN STORY & I AM NEVER DOUBLE HEADED SNAKE hun (: But look at you! You are one (:

Is this what you wanna say to me? Listen I never changed! I am still d old me. I am still that crazy girl! I am more quiet now if you realised! I maybe busy like hell last year, but that doesn't mean i am avoiding you but what you said? Hurmm, the only reason I went with other people is because of you bloody character! Judge yourself first! Each time I talk to you, what you do? Avoid! You are not being yourself!

Saya dah penant weyhh!

You know why I changed? Is because of this! i may change a lil. I am sick of drama! Maybe I don't share my secrets coz i don't trust anyone anymore! Pleaseee!

Haha, look how that girl who used to say bout you treating you now? Haha, good la! 3 backstabbers get along! Whoots! Drama! Haha,I happy tak kawan tehm sebab I am me, when I am not with them! This is me! Sorry! i can't be prefect! (:

Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's Ok It's Alright

It's Ok, It's Alright I'm So Much Better Without You <3

I don't know, why, but! I just felt like crying today. yeah, I admit I am jealous when I saw you commenting other girls. I don't know whether you still love me or what.

I don't know why, how & why we broke up. But I regret alot. But sometimes,

Maybe it's my fault for being too sensitive or what. but at times, Single could be so fun.

I am hurt. Sometimes, I just can't stop blaming myself!

I don't know what to do! tmr, ur bufday <3

It's Ok It's Alright

It's Ok, It's Alright I'm So Much Better Without You <3

I don't know, why, but! I just felt like crying today. yeah, I admit I am jealous when I saw you commenting other girls. I don't know whether you still love me or what.

I don't know why, how & why we broke up. But I regret alot. But sometimes,

Maybe it's my fault for being too sensitive or what. but at times, Single could be so fun.

I am hurt. Sometimes, I just can't stop blaming myself!

I don't know what to do! tmr, ur bufday <3

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Maa, I know you will be angry if you know I am curi-curi online-ing. Heee, I am sorry. But I want to blog about you today <3

Mom, Happy Mother's day.

I know I have always been bad. Haha, now that's a doubt :p LOL. I know I have always disappoint you with my add maths. But trust me mum, I am working hard to get an A+.

I know, you have always ask me to do my chores but as usual I won't. :D Sorry :p

Mom, I would give you my world. Coz I love you so much. maybe I hardly say those words but trust me deep in my heart i always 7 will forever love you (:

when I sawthis pic, haha i laughed out. why?!

Remember how Appa used to say. 'you're becoming more and more like your mum?'

Haha, I guess I'll be a good mum then in a future.

Haha, mom (:You're awesome. Many people will tell me 'You're mum is a superwoman'

How the hell did she manage to do all the house chores, send you 4 monkeys to schools & tuition & how can she manage your dad's banking & etc.

my answer: 'She is just my mum' (:

I love you alot Amma. Amma, thanks for all your love (:

I really miss those days when I was in kindergarten, How you use to sleep by my side and tell me bed time stories. those moment were lovely <3

Happy Mother's day Mom (: i am going to study now <3 thanks for all your love & I promise I'll start to eat your Fish. mwaxx. Without you mum, I wouldn't be here.Thanks for all those supports when i was down and sad and broken.