Saturday, February 12, 2011

Merentas Desa

13 schools di Tanjung today! So, SMK Convent, Delima is the best! Woke up 7.00 am! WTF! Am bloody late, friends are gonna kill me! Kayh, that's one thing, 2nd! WTFF! My Delima-t-shirt and track suit is in the washing machine??! WTFFF!I asm my mum to iron it quickly! Eat quickly! F! Rush to awyn's house! Traffic jam! Left my helmet! WTF la!Hahahx okayh., I seriously thought I was late, then I thnik again, No I'm not! SMKC is famous for not being punctual! So yeah, am not late! 3km?! My god! No prob (:I and Nanny always jog for 6km. So no hal! Cheh belagak! :p Tapi memang best we shout DE-LI-MA! Deliam! Delima! Drlima! Super cool to see Delima emerge as the champion for so many freaking times! i just love it! (: Whoooow!Go Delima!