Tuesday, March 27, 2012




Well I meet really awesome people
Thanes Peter, Divyaa Veeran, Leevya, Rao, Chris, Jaya, Kiren, Rev & Yuva & Monisha & Farhan

These people are so damn awesome & they really made me cried on the last day. HAHA

Those memories with them is like so awesome and lovely. During this 77 days of fun & torture, I learn the meaning of life (HALF), I learn how to tolerate & forgive & forget.

I love the Dorm 16, haha every morning wake up & look at Divyaa, haha then I really hate doing DUTY =.= That was a lil lame.


Every morning after mandi, Div & I would go down and sit on the road, sleep actually. But most of time we do 'THE SLEEP DRAMA' when Sachu is there. HAHA. Then when the guys pass by, we will be like, see this guy, so cute & bla bla bla, at the same time, facing Bravo's toilet we could see guys- sexy =.= Haha they weren';t wearing shirt. Apa lagi! CUCI MATA. :p

Then Leevya, Yuva will join us <3 HAHA, that's when we start our morning duty story. SAD SAD. HAHA, PT is fun except JOGGING >< LAA

She is my bestie <3 DIVYAAA <3 DAMN, you could just laugh the whole day sitting with her.

Leeevyaaa, she is the cutest among all, MISS PORTABLE, short & small & pretty. Really admire this baby, HAHA she is so soft & yet patience <3 Really adore this lil girl.

This is my father Rao, & Bro Chris. Haha, I really enjoy talking with them Chris got a real loosen up screw at his mouth. HAHA he is really nice to hang-out with & for my appa BAASHA, haaha he is so cool that I really felt proud to have a DAD like him :D HAHA.

Kiren, my son, HAHA, I really thought he was a quiet idiot, but he is damn fun to be with too. HAHA, my son is like a kid. HAHA, still in love with the way he speaks english. :D

He look like that GREEN Teletubie (idk the spelling), haha, robot. The fun part of him is you can laugh and laugh about him & yet he stands there emotionless. HAHA, my kannu! HAHA, and and in Integrasi class everyone will be talking but, he will be paying 100% attention, NERDO :D HAHA

BARNEYYYY, haha THANES, he is my BEST FRIEND, haha he is smart & joker. HAHA, sanjay ramasamy -.-? HAHA, our ketua agama hindu. HAHA, this fellar is like jaya but totally cool. HAHA, and I really love his stories is so awesome & fantastic :D

Dah I malas mau tulis, tak tahu nak tulis pa jew. HAHA, rindu sayang FARHAN :D HEEEEE <3 FARHANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN <3
