Sunday, September 16, 2012

Nothing Last Forever.

Even the prettiest flower will die one day. It is nature's way of teaching us that nothing lasts forever.

Things changes, I change the most. 

Don't worry about me or what I do. This is my life not yours.

I know how paranoid I get when you go 'there'. I know I fail to understand you. I don't want to argue. But don't you think I won't miss you when you never text me the whole day? A text like, 'hye I am doing great & imy' would have make me feel secure & happy. 

I don't know you anymore. I miss the old us.
I remember when I used to count your kisses, now I count the days since we last talked.

I hate to be left alone by you. That feeling sucks. I know you are busy & friends & family comes first. Got it & will deal with it.

Each time I do so, I never get a reply, I feel like I am disturbing all your fun & yes I did. Sorry.

This is what I have to go through this few days. Sometimes, I wish we were just friends. So that I wouldn't miss you much.

You don't love me. You only know me, when you need me.
Sometimes I felt this way. You only need me when you need me. I don't know me anymore.

 I wanna talk to you so bad, but I hate feeling like I bug you.

At times i do this. I am afraid you wouldn't like if your friends sees it.

I do that all the time to you right? Pissing you off all the time.

'Ok?' That's what I used to reply when I am moody? :)
But you never understand my 'Ok' :)

A simple hello can lead to so many things.

Forgive? Yes. Forget? No.
Second chances don't matter any more cause people never change
I would still be the same. Sorry.