Tuesday, December 3, 2013




     Good Morning. It's been ages since I brush up my blog. LOL, thank God, school is over, I'm free. Today morning, it was a chilly morning, mum was doing her gardening, I was literally jogging & bro was playing his ball & ironically we came up with a topic that caught my attention. ARROGANCE. Yes,  a human nature that can either bring goods or "slow death"

“Arrogance is a creature. It does not have senses.
It has only a sharp tongue and the pointing finger.” 
― Toba Beta

   It's obviously fine, to be  arrogant of good use. We have great leaders who are arrogant in defending our pride but yet to a certain limit. Sticking your nose high up gain nothing but critical comments that will tarnish our name. 

         OH LOL, I know a few people who are so stuck up & arrogant that they actually look silly in reality. Come on, remove that hideous mask. It ain't make you beautiful. If you decide to argue with a person, MAKE FULL USE of your tiny brain in your cerebral. Don't waste God's gift. It's silly how arrogant people argue praising themselves without knowing the DAMN TRUTH about themselves. Funny eyh? It's fine to loose sometimes, you can't be winning all the time. Life is a circle, what goes up, must come down!


            Sometimes, when we are at our loose end, we usually blame our fate or luck or most probably someone we love. I do that, used too. Till I learn to see my own mistakes. That shows how arrogant we are in reality.There's always arrogance in us making us attacking the weaker inner-self of us.

           We decide our own fate. To be arrogant isn't something to be proud of. Honestly, speaking I was arrogant once when it comes to love, I didn't want to give in at all. So it ended up rather tragic, worst than I could imagine. I always wanted to win, but hye, I learnt my lesson. Today, I am happier, rather independent, and I feel everyday is beautiful. HEHE, I don't complain much about anything anymore, I just live by peace. And honestly, 

for being arrogant because I found what I want in life today. Good family, loving friends, happy live. What else do I need. See, that tragic end, was like a bad shit that got away. Isn't that great? The feeling of waking up every morning knowing that there are people who love you. My God, it's so beautiful. I'm glad I got arrogant, got down, today I'm up, happy & blessed. Thank you. That's the spirit! go go girl power! Be afraid of no mistakes!Oh did I mention, that's the good side of being arrogant! LOL.