Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Charlie Chaplin final speech in The Great Dictator

          Listen to this speech and think back how hatred has conjured us, each and every man. How machines has rule our lives. How we enslave ourselves to the dead. We are no longer as united as we are, we are weaker. Those bonds are breaking up due to hatred and machines, human shall unite work together, learn to love and build a world we want our  next generations to live in. We don't want a world that we have to live in fear due to our own destruction. Man can create, man can destroy too. Let peace and love circles the world let peace be with us, let race prejudice dies as we all unite to be 1. We belong to the same planet, the human race shall live irrespective of creed, colour, religion & believes. Because, NO MAN IS AN ISLAND. Everyone is born to love and care. Stop cruelty, fight for freedom. Freedom to love & care.