Friday, December 6, 2013

A true lost to the world.

             I was googling some news and I was so shocked to learn that the great leader, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela,has passed away yesterday. This is something really sad. I wasn't really a great big fan of him, honestly, but I've always loved to hear his quotes and read about him. I have his Biography book and each and every line he says in the book has a great meaning that he wants the world to acknowledge.


         What really inspired me about him is that, how he fought for his country's freedom. He has been into the prison in and out for years and worst of all isolated to Robben Island, prison. 


       But once he was freed, the prison warden asked him, 'Sir, what is your utmost desire?', he says, 'I want to meet people'. He proves to us, that no man is an island and he needs his people to fight for what is right. He was a man of no fear. 


        This quotes is so strong and deep. It's true, education is indeed the key for freedom. Freedom to a world where critical thinking are applied. A soldier need his weapons to protect us from harm. A cook need his cooking utensils to feed us. A mother needs a lot of patience and love to go through each obstacles. A writer needs his pen to share his knowledge and each human race needs education to shape the world into a better place. Indeed, without the weapon, nothing can be changed! Have you ever imagine a world without education? Back to the black days? Where people are more of barbaric in a sense that, girls are considered bad luck, guys dominate the world &etc. It's creepy as it seems. 

            This is my favorite quote of all time. Each time I'm done because I know how much 'some' people hate me for no reasons, I will always read this quote over and over again. It somehow give a rise in my weak spirit. I will think positive. If 'she' can hate me, she can learn to love me too. It also gave me the will to face her. Sometimes, when a person hates you, it's just so obvious in their facial expression, but somehow, thanks to this quote, I learn how to face her. And I'm happy (: 

               It's truly a great loss. He is a good leader that has  shared thoughts that are true and compassionate. #RIPNELSONMANDELA.