Wednesday, February 26, 2014


      It all begin in 2010, when we started chatting with each other. I never knew we would grow so close to each other. I remember we started chatting so much after I failed my JPA so did you. Haha. That's where it all grew right? I never expected that we will be closer than what I expected. I guess what they say is true, 'only two person who undergo the same pain will understand each other'. Right. Haha. You do know what I mean kan? Or you too dumb to faham? xD

                                                      Jayamunishwara xD AHAHAHAHA .

   Babi, dont take revenge over here. This pic damn funny, makes me laugh everytime I see. You are truly a gift darling. You were there with me when I couple with him. & you were always there for me when we broke up. You never even leave me once. Haha, I know how annoyingly emo I was that time, but Thank God, I realize I was really stupid back then, all this is over & I know you are truly a gentleman & I am glad I replies you 'hi' 4 years ago.

    Somehow I feel so compatible with you, I can just simply start a topic with you, and we can talk and talk for hours. It's like I found someone who is like me, sometimes I see you in me. Right, with you, I feel super comfortable, I feel so easy to talk to you my problems, my 'lame' jokes according to you, idk, it's crazy how someone so strange can make you feel so safe. I can insult you without even feeling guilty. With you, Muni, I can be myself, I just feel comfortable with who I am when I'm with you. I dont have to be someone I am not when with you. That's how super comfortable I am with you :)

      You can be very very very irritatingly annoying. Eishhh, everytime ask me to go & die. Idiot, I told you, I wont leave you, how to die & leave you all alone ? xD Gyeaahh. And you can be freaking dumb xD Why on earth you cant just puji me for even once. So hard is it? Hahaha, soo how many times I am so nice to you :O Tak kenang budi punya babi. And thanks to you, now I am addicted to Bewafa. Seriously you one idiot. Hahaha. The best part bout you is, you're damn shit funny. I can laugh so hard non-stop. You crazy ideas & jokes. My God. Hahaha, sanggup you pour oil on the floor so that I can fall & touch your feet? Where did you even get such ideas?

      Despite your annoying-ness, you have that fatherly figure in you. You never look at people's status or whatever shit. That's so nice of you. You really love those people around you, but never me. Haha. The more I know you, the more I will say, your future wife is very lucky to have a guy like you. You definitely will make her the happiest person in the world I can say. & Not lying :) And of course pls pls dont ever teach your kids anything. Haha.

      Gaaaahhh, I feel so lucky to have you in my life. You're honestly damn priceless & I love you so much Muni. I dont have a dream guy, but I would say if I ever want a guy, I would definitely want a guys like you. Coz I know, I'll be happy always by your side. Ithu saatiyam, haha. But then, it's hard to find someone like you. You're just different & special :) Love you Muni. <3